5NR Public Affairs


Welcome to our digital corner of the web. This site has been developed to assist Public Affairs Officers, Elected and Appointed Staffs and the media to accurately communicate information regarding the missions of the Fifth District-Northern Region U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. The intent is to provide a one-stop location for current statistics, resources, links, and information. Often, there will be a link to another site where the content is stored. This site is not meant to replace the National Public Affairs website (auxpa.org). Rather, it is designed to augment it as well as other Auxiliary and Coast Guard websites. We are doing this to help our volunteers in their attempts to maintain a thorough working knowledge of the myriad of other websites that might be of value.

You will also find original content developed specifically for our region. Photographs, statistics, stories, and resources that are “local” will be posted here. The PA Officers section is where you will find places to share Public Affairs’ best practices and success stories. In addition, there is a forum to discuss public affairs topics and a request for assistance section where you can ask for specific help.

Some sections are available to all Public Affairs Officers and Elected Officers and require a password to gain access. Only registered users may post comments and content. This site will always be a work-in-progress—responsive to your needs and it will be changing constantly. Your participation and contributions are always welcome and are critical to the success of our missions.

Please Note: This site is under a major revision to update and bring current all information. Thank you in advance for your patience and please stop back to check on our progress.